URK-700 (Korea)Auto-Ref Keratometerwith Elevated Optical Table, 2 chairs or stool, 1 AVR
URK-800 (Korea)Auto-Ref Keratometerwith Elevated Optical Table,2 chairs or stool, 1 AVR
URK-900 (Korea)Auto-Ref Keratometerwith Elevated Optical Table,2 chairs or stool, 1 AVR
A-Scan/PachymetryUltrasound Scanner
A/B ScanUltrasound Scanner
Portable Slit-lamp
2 Step Slit-lamp Model
3 Step Slit-lamp Modelwith Beam Splitter
5 Step Slit-lamp Modelwith Beam Splitter
Bore Chart ProjectorMade in China
Unicos ULC – 900Made in Korea
UDR-800Digital Phoropter
Supore Manual Phoropter
Manual PhoropterMade in China
K-2000Made in China
Supore Chair and Stand
Unicos ULM-800Auto Lensometer+Unicos Wireless Networking System (not included)
NJC-4 Lensmeter
Wireless Indirect Ophthalmoscopewith 20D Lens
Applanation TonometerMade in taiwan
KT – 3000AFully Automatic Edging Machine
UPE – 900Patternless Edgerwith Tracer, blocker, accesory and table.
BR-600Semi-Automatic Edging Machine
OR Setwith 2 heads and 1 body (rechargeable)
Prism Bar